Top row: Taylor Heizer, Abby Lewis, Mackenzie Krebill and Naomi Hibbler Bottom row: Garrett Johnson, Chloe Brewer, Lexie Chirpich and Carly Bailey
June 23, 2021
The School of Health Professions recently announced the 2021 Health Professions Student Ambassador award winners.
“Every year, I am impressed and inspired by the enthusiastic and seemingly tireless service our ambassadors give to the School of Health Professions, but the recipients of our annual awards are true standouts,” said Cheri Ghan, student recruitment coordinator and ambassadors’ supervisor. “They help us get more outstanding students and make us feel very good about the next generation of health care professionals.”
This year’s recipients are:
- Taylor Heizer, Excellence Award
- Abby Lewis, Responsibility Award
- Mackenzie Krebill, Responsibility Award
- Naomi Hibbler, Respect Award
- Garrett Johnson, Discovery Award
- Chloe Brewer, Step Up and Lead Award
- Lexie Chirpich, Leadership Award
- Carly Bailey, 2021 Ambassador of the Year