Feb. 20, 2025
Contact: Janese Heavin, heavinj@missouri.edu
Two University of Missouri faculty members have been named Senior Members of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI).
Jaya Ghosh and Shibu Jose are among the 162 emerging academic inventors identified by NAI’s member institutions. NAI senior members are recognized for being outstanding innovators and fostering a culture of invention on their respective campuses.
Ghosh is the co-director of the College of Engineering’s National Science Foundation-funded Mizzou TecHub and an adjunct professor in the College of Engineering. She has been a lead program manager of the National Institute of Health (NIH) REACH-funded MU Midwest Biomedical Accelerator Consortium and the director of the MU Coulter Biomedical Accelerator in the College of Engineering and School of Medicine. She is also a current project manager for the NIH Concept to Clinic Commercializing Innovation Program.
Jose is the associate dean of research in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR). In that role, he has championed funding opportunities such as the CAFNR Ag-celerator for Agricultural Technologies to support commercialization of new technologies, the CAFNR Equipment Matching Grant Program to support the purchase of critical equipment and the Joy of Discovery Seed Grant Program to fund preliminary studies. He is also a professor in the School of Natural Resources where he focuses on agroecology, ecological interactions and agroforestry. Previously, he served as the director of the School of Natural Resources, the H.E. Garrett Endowed Chair Professor and the director of the university’s Center for Agroforestry.
The 2025 class of Senior Members will be celebrated during the Senior Member Induction Ceremony at NAI’s 14th Annual Conference in June in Atlanta, Georgia. The prestigious Senior Member Induction Ceremony is one of the cornerstones of the conference, exemplifying the spirit of creativity and discovery that drives the global inventor community.