Extending Mizzou brain power

Last year, MU researchers disclosed more than 100 inventions and the university was granted 13 U.S. patents. Learn more about this work.

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June 22, 2023

In 2022, University of Missouri researchers generated a myriad of inventions, including imaging technologies and a biosensor to diagnose and detect disease; an enzyme delivery system for agriculture, bioremediation and other applications; new soybean varieties; an antibody that amplifies a patient’s immune system; semiconductors for LEDs, lasers and radar; and methods for tissue engineering and preservation.

The Technology Advancement team works with faculty and staff who think they have an innovation with commercial potential. Last year, researchers disclosed 102 inventions, which the team evaluated for novelty, utility and market potential.

Additionally, the university was granted 13 U.S. patents in 2022 for devices, tools, therapeutics and other inventions. Thirty commercial partners licensed and optioned the rights to 69 different innovations. In addition, three startup companies were created with MU-licensed technologies, and 11 products using university technology had first sales. All of this activity assisted in generating $4.5 million in income for Mizzou.

Read more from the Division of Research, Innovation and Impact

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