Rigel Oliveri
May 11, 2022
Rigel Oliveri, the Isabelle Wade and Paul C. Lyda Professor of Law at the University of Missouri School of Law, has received the 11th Howard B. Lang, Jr. Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service to the City of Columbia.
Oliveri earned the award due to her involvement with fair and affordable housing programs and services. She currently serves on the Columbia Housing Authority Board and works on providing support services for low-income, public housing residents in Columbia to help them improve the quality of their lives and their children’s lives. Her goal is transformative change.
In the words of her four primary nominators, Nancy Thompson, Randall Cole, Adam Kruse and Rose Wibbenmeyer, “Rigel exemplifies the ideal candidate for this award. Her longstanding commitment to her volunteer work has assisted our community in understanding the importance of fair and affordable housing and has been critical to the City of Columbia’s efforts to increase housing opportunities for all.”