Brandon Bethel
May 26, 2022
In his less than two years at the University of Missouri School of Law, Brandon Bethel has been a driving force in improving the physical environment throughout Hulston Hall. Reimagining the space in in the Student Bar Association offices, beautifying and adding personal touches to the hallway display areas and playing an integral part in the planning, creation and design of the Mizzou Law Wellness Room, Bethel hit the ground running his first day on campus.
“I grew up in an environment where your surroundings are all you have, so finding ways to be comfortable and welcome in those surroundings can be grounding,” said Bethel, who is from rural Danville, Missouri. “Much of law school doesn’t tap that creative vein, so redesigning spaces to improve our learning and living environment helps serve that purpose for me.”
Bethel believes that to overcome barriers to wellness, creating an environment that is comforting can help those experiencing the natural levels of stress that come with law school. Similar to how he is always working to improve the learning environment for his peers at Mizzou Law, Bethel aspires to improve the way our healthcare environment works for everyone.
“For those like myself who grew up in economically disadvantaged environments, we were afraid to go to the doctor or to get medical help because of the cost,” Bethel said. “There is no transparency of information throughout the system. No way to understand what you are paying for and why. There is no good argument for why your economic status should determine your access to health care. We can do so much better.”