Published on Show Me Mizzou Dec. 17, 2021

The University of Missouri School of Medicine White Coat Ceremony for the Class of 2025 at Jesse Auditorium. Photo by Justin Kelley
Last summer, the School of Medicine welcomed 128 students, selected from more than 3,000 applicants, at the school’s annual White Coat Ceremony. The new coats of the freshly minted medical students gathered at Jesse Hall may have been homogenous, but the makeup of the class of 2025 itself is anything but.
This crop of students is the most academically accomplished and diverse in the school’s 150-year history. They boast excellent average total GPA (3.81) and average MCAT (509) scores. Of the incoming students, who range from 21 to 42 years of age, 42% self-identify as an ethnic minority. Twenty percent self-identify as belonging to a racial or ethnic population that is underrepresented in medicine, including Black/African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans and mainland Puerto Ricans. Twenty-six percent are from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds, and 20% are from rural areas. Most (88%) members of the class are from Missouri, with the rest hailing from 10 other states.
The White Coat Ceremony is a nationwide rite of passage that has been held at Mizzou since 1997. The ceremony first took place at Columbia University, where a professor said the iconic garment is meant to symbolize a “cloak of compassion.” Each MU-branded coat is paid for by gifts from alumni and friends of the MU School of Medicine through the White Coat and Stethoscope Program. This year alone, donations added up to nearly $40,000. Through nine years of giving, the program has raised almost $130,000 to provide coats and stethoscopes to incoming classes.
Meet the Class of 2025
128 students currently enrolled
Average Math/Science GPA: 3.75
Average Total GPA: 3.81
Average MCAT Score: 509
72 women
56 men
Age Range 21–42
3,156 Total applications
418 Interviews scheduled
191 Applicants accepted
26% Students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds
42% Students who self-identify as an ethnic minority
20% Students who self-identify as an underrepresented minority
20% Students from rural areas
88% Students from Missouri
Class of 2025 students hail from 12 states.