March 20, 2023
Contact: Sara Diedrich, 573-882-3243, diedrichs@missouri.edu
If you are leaving town for spring break, the University of Missouri Police Department recommends a few simple steps to safeguard your home and belongings while you’re gone as well as some tips to prevent package theft.
Before leaving, unplug — it saves energy
- Laptops/desktops
- Televisions
- Modems
- Coffeemakers
- Lamps
- Microwaves
- Cellphone chargers
- Surge protectors (flip switch)
- Space heaters
Secure belongings
- The best thing to do with valuables is bring them along or stow them out of sight in a closet, locked trunk or lockable storage area.
- Take bicycles home or inside and lock them to a stationary item.
- MU students, faculty and staff can register bicycles and electronics with MUPD. If property is lost or stolen, registration increases the chance of getting items back.
Note: An active MU pawprint and password is required to register.
Prepare room/apartment/house
- Take out the trash.
- Clean the refrigerator, and remove anything that has the slightest chance of going bad.
- Remove any other perishable foods from home.
- Turn down the heat, but not too low so pipes don’t freeze. Experts recommend no lower than 50 degrees.
- Place mail on hold with United State Postal Service.
Lock up
- No matter the floor, lock all windows and doors and remind roommates/other family members to do the same.
Prevent package theft
- Carefully consider where to have packages delivered.
- Track the packages after ordering so you'll know when they arrive.
- Ask a trusted neighbor to hold package.
- Keep delivery area visible and some of your home security measures obvious.
- Get a parcel locker.
- Have packages delivered to office or a P.O. box.
- Opt to have the deliverer obtain a signature upon delivery.
- Have packages left at back door, if that is an option.
If leaving a vehicle in a university parking lot or garage over the spring break, remove all valuables, close the windows tightly and lock the doors.
Prevent vehicle break-ins
- Always lock your car.
- Remove all valuables from your vehicle.
- Hide any valuables that you leave in your car.
- Park in a well-lit and populated area.
- Never leave your keys in your vehicle.
Staying safe is every Tigers responsibility. Learn more about how to prepare for a variety of emergencies and sign up for emergency notifications by visiting the MU Alert website.