MU announces creation of the Missouri Water Center

By combining two existing university centers, the Missouri Water Center establishes a single source for water research in Missouri.

March 18, 2022


Kenny Gerling: The Missouri and Mississippi Rivers flow for more than 1,000 miles across the Show Me State, and almost half of all residents get their drinking water from these or smaller rivers.

To better understand the state’s vast water resources, the University of Missouri recently launched the Missouri Water Center. By uniting two existing water research centers at MU — one in the College of Engineering and one in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources — the Missouri Water Center will serve as a vital hub for water data and information.

Damon Hall, assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources and Department of Biomedical, Biological & Chemical Engineering, is a co-director of the center. He said the Missouri Water Center will bring researchers together with government and industry partners around the state.

Hall: What this merged Missouri Water Center does is enhance collaboration in terms of how our stakeholders in the state can access the research that we do and the expertise we have housed in the University of Missouri.

Gerling: Hall said the Missouri Water Center will tackle some of the most pressing issues facing the state’s water resources, such as floods and droughts.

Hall: There are a number of different agencies, universities, individual researchers, organizations who gather water resources data. What we’re trying to do is coordinate and synthesize these data in one location coupled with maps to inform planning and decision making at multiple levels.

For more on this research, visit

I’m Kenny Gerling, with a Spotlight on Mizzou.

Learn more about the research here

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