Feb. 23, 2022
Contact: Stephanie Fleming, 573-882-8353, sfleming@missouri.edu
Columbia has been designated as an overseas polling location for the upcoming South Korean presidential election. This will be the first time Columbia and the University of Missouri will host a satellite polling location.
Previously, Chicago, Detroit and Indianapolis were the only polling locations available for voters living in the 17 states of the Midwest District. Now, following a South Korean bill, Columbia will be added as a fourth location to compensate for the large geographic region and voter population.
Voting will take place from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 25-27
The MU Assessment Resource Center, 2800 Maguire Blvd., Columbia, MO 65201
There are currently more than 47,000 South Korean voters in the U.S. registered for overseas absentee voting, including 250 in Missouri and 50 in Kansas. Mizzou’s alumni base in South Korea is its largest among foreign countries, and there are currently 160 students and visiting scholars at MU.
Registered absentee voters are required to bring a South Korean government-issued ID.