June 15, 2021
Contact: Deidra Ashley, ashleyde@missouri.edu

Summer Welcome leader Brady Booth (right) helps greet attendees and explain the day’s events. Booth, a junior marketing and economics major, is one of 29 students serving as Summer Welcome leaders this year. Leaders are specially trained to answer questions and share their insider knowledge of campus.

Sophia Nguyen (center), an incoming freshman from St. Louis, participates in icebreaker games. Each small group attends orientation activities, and students get a chance to meet their academic advisor. Nguyen plans to study nursing.

Junior strategic communications major Gehazi Whitehurst (center) leads his small group in a discussion. Throughout the visit, new students learn about the resources and involvement opportunities Mizzou offers, including student government, fraternity and sorority life, and on-campus employment. Once on campus, new students can discuss involvement options with an involvement ambassador.

Sophomore business major Steven Klumb talks to his group about the ways to get involved at Mizzou. Did you know there are more than 600 recognized student organizations at MU?

Sophomore health science major Nia Lowery (center) takes a break with her group at the Student Center. The Summer Welcome team knows there’s a lot of information to take in on a single day. That’s why they remind students to check their university email for important information as they get closer to move-in.

Summer Welcome isn’t just about the students. Families are an important part of the college experience and are invited to attend special sessions to learn about financial aid, safety on campus, academic support and more. They also get to connect with other family members in panel discussions.

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Bill Stackman loves to greet new students during Summer Welcome. As he said on Twitter, his door is always open!

Senior health science major Holly Graham (left) takes a photo of her group in Speakers Circle. Students are encouraged to stay connected with their Summer Welcome leader and group mates so they can support one another when they officially move to campus.
New students can find additional resources on the Summer Welcome Canvas page.