Beth Lauchstaedt was inspired to create the care closet when snowstorms shut down campus last winter.
Oct. 2, 2020
In times of crisis, it’s easy overlook the small, mundane details that give our lives normalcy.
Now, Mizzou students who find themselves in tight spots have an ally in their corner.
The Department of Residential Life recently created a care closet to help students in need with basic, day-to-day items. The closet has a wide variety of items, including refrigerators, microwaves, pots and pans, fans, linens, toiletries and hygiene products. Durable items are returned to the care closet, cleaned and sanitized when no longer needed.
The closet has been used on at least a dozen occasions. Recently, employees have delivered clothes, toiletries and other items to students in quarantine or isolation due to COVID-19 exposure.
“If they ask for it and I can get hold of it, I will get it to them,” said Beth Lauchstaedt, assistant director for student care and outreach.
Contributions from Residential Life, the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee and donations from individuals have helped make the closet operational.
Students who need temporary supplies from the care closet can reach out to the Mizzou Care Team or their resident advisors.