This year's Mizzou Idol promised some of the most heartfelt performances yet. The final eight contestants and four wild cards competed for top honors before a panel of judges, with the audience members voting via text message. The final round took place in Jesse Auditorium.

Mizzou Idol winner Breanna Lehane plays her final song of the night after winning Mizzou Idol 2016. Photo by Casey Scott.

Emcees and MU Students Mikal Slatton and Mark McDaniel introduce Mizzou Idol 2016 to Jesse Auditorium. Photo by Casey Scott.

Rachel Hopson watches the livestream of the show from the dressing room after her elimination from the wildcard round. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

The stage is set for Mizzou Idol 2016. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Former Mizzou Idol winner Carley Eslick performs an opening song. Photo by Casey Scott.

Holt Skinner performs his first song during the semifinalist round. Skinner will go on to win fan favorite during the final round. Photo by Casey Scott.

Mizzou Idol wildcard winner Jasmine Lim peforms with her ukulele for the final round of the competition. Photo by Casey Scott.

Jhaere Mitchell practices her lines in the dressing room before taking the stage. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Jacob Travis uses an app on his smartphone to help pitch adjustments before his wildcard performance. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Ross Earley kicks off the semifinalist round of Mizzou Idol 2016. Photo by Casey Scott.

Judges Ryan Gavin, left, Carley Eslick, center, and Tim Hanson, right, introduce the qualities they are looking for in each contestant's performance for Mizzou Idol 2016. Photo by Casey Scott.

Kylie Lawrence awaits her turn to take the stage during the semifinal round of the show. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Kylie Lawrence performs for the semifinalist round on stage at Jesse Auditorium. Photo by Casey Scott.

All of the different contestants have different ways of preparing from the show, from collecting their thoughts in silence to playing a bit of guitar to relieve the tension in the room. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Gibraun Mitchell rehearses on the guitar to relieve some nerves before the show begins. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Brook Novinger performs for the semifinalist round. Photo by Casey Scott.

All of the contestants from the final round wait eagerly to see who will move on to the final round of Mizzou Idol 2016. Photo by Casey Scott.

Jasmine Lim sits quietly backstage waiting to perform her first song during the wildcard round. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Jhaere Mitchell sits backstage with her guitar waiting to perform her first song of the night during the semifinal round. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Emcees and judges joke onstage waiting for the next round of announcements for the show. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

After moving on to the final round, Breanna Lehane practices her second song of the night in the dressing room. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Mizzou Idol winner Breanna Lehane plays her final song of the night after winning Mizzou Idol 2016. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Contestants gather around a computer in the dressing room to watch the MU Film Crew livestream of Mizzou Idol 2016. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Gibraun Mitchell looks to another contestant during judge critique of his final performance of the night. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Jared Carrier listens to critique from the judges just off stage while embracing his guitar. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Four finalists await the result of the voting to see who will win Mizzou Idol 2016. Photo by Casey Scott.

Mizzou Idol winner Breanna Lehane embraces friends and family after the conclusion of Mizzou Idol 2016. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Mizzou Idol Winner Breanna Lehane poses with friends and family along with her first place trophy after the show. Photo by Jake Hamilton.

Mizzou Idol winner Breanna Lehane poses with her father in front of the Mizzou Idol 2016 banner after the show. Photo by Jake Hamilton.