From left, Nikki Lafollette, Drew Hilgendorf and Kevin Lafollette have their picture taken on the steps of Jesse Hall Friday afternoon before checking in for the 6 p.m. commencement ceremony for the School of Natural Resources. Nikki and Kevin are Drew's aunt and uncle.
During the weekend of Dec 18-20, 2,406 students celebrate the culmination of their academic achievements at University of Missouri December commencement ceremonies. Throughout the weekend, MU awards 2,591 degrees, including 1,961 bachelor’s degrees, 460 master’s degrees, 151 doctoral degrees and 19 education specialist degrees. MU also recognizes 317 students graduating with honors and presents honorary doctorates to actor Hal Holbrook and True/False Film Fest founders Paul Sturtz and David Wilson.

Taylor Starr, a graduate of the School of Social Work, claps for all of the family members as they stand and receive recognition at the beginning of the ceremony in Jesse Auditorium Friday afternoon. Dr. Rob Weagley, the keynote speaker, recognized all parents, relatives and boyfriends/girlfriends who attended the ceremony.

A graduate stands near the spot while a professional photographer takes her portrait with her diploma cover in Jesse Auditorium. Each graduate had a photo taken after leaving the stage.

Katherine Manning, a soon-to-be-graduate of the College of Human & Environmental Sciences waits to line up on the second floor of Jesse Hall for a commencement ceremony. After graduation, Manning will head to Overland Park, Kansas, to attend chiropractic school.

Courtney Carpenter poses for a portrait on the second floor of Jesse Hall. Carpenter, who is a member of Phi Upsilon Omicron and ARS, is from Kansas City and hopes to one day do kitchen and bath remodeling.

"Mizzou Tigers'' ribbon sits on a table beside yellow roses in the foyer of Jesse Hall as College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources graduates check in. The Mizzou Student American Institute of Floral Designers sold bouquets of flowers to family members and friends to raise money for their organization.

Devon Moltzan poses for a professional portrait with her diploma cover after walking off the stage in Jesse Auditorium. Moltzan earned a bachelor's degree in family and consumer science education.

Jill Rechtien laughs with Tammy Conrad, an academic adviser for nutrition and exercise physiology, as Conrad makes sure everyone in the NEP line is in the correct order.

Courtney Carpenter stands among her peers on the second floor of Jesse Hall.

Sophomore Katie Stoops wraps a single yellow rose in clear plastic wrap to protect its petals from the cold weather outside. Each flower and bouquet was tied with a black-and-gold "Mizzou Tigers" ribbon.