The University of Missouri Press has returned to the MU campus. This month, the press moved to 113 Heinkel after being in southeast Columbia for more than two decades. Contact information for press staff remains the same.
Opened in 1958, the University Press has published more than 1,000 books on world history, biography, journalism, women’s studies and creative nonfiction. It is a leader in scholarship on Missouri natives Mark Twain, Langston Hughes and Harry S Truman. MU managed the press until 1967, when the University of Missouri System assumed governance. In August 2012, press control returned to MU.
The University Press reports directly to the Provost’s Office. After peer review, titles are approved by the press’s editorial board, made up mostly of MU faculty members.
Being under the wing of MU has helped foster stronger relationships with MU Libraries, the Center for the Study of Organizational Change and other university entities, said David Rosenbaum, director of University Press.

Previously housed on LeMone Industrial Boulevard, the University Press will relocate to the Heinkel Building on campus.
Being physically on campus will have rewards, too. “Our distance from the campus contributed to our invisibility within the larger campus community,” Rosenbaum said. The return to campus “will raise the press’s profile and help reintegrate us into the MU community and further our mission of peer review and dissemination of scholarship.”
The University Press had been at a LeMone Industrial Boulevard warehouse, used for manufacturing and distribution. But in recent years outside vendors took over those duties. A lot of space at LeMone was not being used.
Being at Heinkel will be a cost-saver, Rosenbaum said. “It’s also an opportunity for a fresh start at a new location.”