Multitalented Tigers share the fruits of their off-the-clock labors at the MU Arts & Crafts Showcase during Staff Recognition Week. Faculty and staff show off paintings, fiber art, sculpture, leather work and other creative undertakings Tuesday through Thursday in Stotler Lounge. Musical artists and MU employees David Currey, Stan Freeman and Clayton Douglas can be heard playing in the background as visitors take in all the arts and crafts. To bid on an item and support the Staff Education Award Endowment, visit until noon Friday, May 22.

Afghan maker and CAFNR employee Genevieve Howard encourages visitors to enjoy the pleasures of her craft.

Tables and tables of art fill Stotler Lounge in Memorial Union, where passers-by can take-in all the goods until Thursday, May 21, at 3 p.m.

Linda Coats from the MU Career Center spins alpaca fiber into yarn. Coats saiusit takes approximately one hour to fill a single spool. After she has filled two spools, she turns the wheel the other way and spins them together to create two-ply yarn.

R. J. Platto works in a variety of mediums, including acrylic paints and digital manipulation. He was a winner at last year's showcase and is not eligible for another win until 2017.

Fiber artist Amy M. Schomaker from the MU School of Journalism stands in front of her exhibition table at the 2015 MU Arts & Crafts Showcase.

"Momma's Kitchen" by Amy M. Schomaker from the MU School of Journalism is based on her childhood experiences of eating differently from other kids because of her father's prowess as a hunter and fisherman.

"Mosaics" by Aplana Ray, a research professor in the Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, stand on display at the 2015 MU Arts & Crafts Showcase.

Paintings and fiber art pieces by MU Retiree Mindy Smith stand on display at the 2015 MU Arts & Crafts Showcase. Smith works in a variety of mediums, including handmade paper, watercolor, fabrics and dye.

Felted play sets made by Kate Akers from MU Extension sit on display at the 2015 MU Arts & Crafts Showcase. Each play set is made up of a collection of small handmade pieces.

Latricia Vaughn from the MU Nuclear Science & Engineering Institute shows off her scrapbooking prowess at the 2015 MU Arts & Crafts Showcase.

Woven fiber art by Rebecca Ann Bergfield, a professor in the MU Department of Environmental Health & Safety.

Linda Coats, from MU Career Planning and Placement spins Alpaca fiber into yarn. Coats said it takes approximately one hour to fill a single spool. After she has filled two spools, she then turns the wheel the other way and spins them together to create two-ply yarn, which is much stronger.

Wood carvings by Steven Winters, associate director of Student Information Systems. Winters was the winner of the 2014 People's Choice Award.

Handmade tools and weapons made by energy management employee Tab Leach stand on display at the 2015 MU Arts and Crafts showcase. Leach employs the process of Flintknapping, which is the use of percussion and pressure-flaking techniques to chip and shape stone to create his tools.