Chancellor Loftin lends new Tigers a hand on move-in day
Photos by Tanzi Propst Published Aug. 16, 2015
If what they say is true — that only a true friend will help you move — Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin garnered a veritable posse of new BFFs Sunday morning during early move-in at Mizzou's residence halls. The chancellor rose at dawn to provide avuncular advice and light labor, and new Tigers and their families were happy to see him.
Students taking part in Greek recruitment, Marching Mizzou, athletics and other special programs began moving into residence halls over the weekend. Regular move-in day for students assigned to residence halls is Wednesday, Aug. 19. New Tigers in Freshman Interest Groups (FIGs) move in Tuesday, Aug. 18.
Brooke Kissell leads Chancellor Loftin back into Wolpers Hall for a second round of helping her move into her dorm at Wolpers Hall Sunday morning. By noon, most of the traffic had slowed down and made it easier for the last of the freshmen to get settled on campus.Chancellor Loftin and Brooke Kissell navigate the tight, but newly renovated, hallways of Wolpers Hall Sunday morning.Chancellor Loftin assists in carrying a Magic Bullet and a drying rack to the 7th floor of Lathrop Hall Sunday morning. Last year, the Chancellor made it all the way up to the 9th floor. This year, he played it a little safer — still recovering from his recent surgery.Alyssa Mietzner slowly rolls her "closet" along while she stands in line and talks to Chancellor Loftin Sunday morning outside of Lathrop Hall. Mietzner is from Jefferson City and plans to study premedical biology.Robert Garcia catches up with Chancellor Loftin Sunday morning outside of Lathrop Hall. Garcia graduated from Texas A&M in 1986 and is thrilled to have his children receive a diploma from a fellow Aggie.Chancellor Loftin stands in line with parents and students as they patiently wait for the line to the elevator to move. The move-in line was slow-going and many families stood idly by.Ashley McReynolds shakes Chancellor Loftin's hand as she and her sister Madison wait outside of Lathrop Hall Sunday morning. The St. Louis native plans to study nursing.Chancellor Loftin asks if he can be of assistance to those moving into Lathrop Hall Sunday morning. With the line for the elevator growing, more and more people opted to carry their belongings up the stairs instead.Kaelin Unks inches closer to the Lathrop elevator as she talks with Chancellor Loftin Sunday morning about the upcoming school year. Unks is from Denver and plans to study nursing.Chancellor Loftin laughs with an incoming freshman that plans to go through recruitment as she finishes checking into Lathrop Hall Sunday morning during move-in.Chancellor Loftin talks with Alex Menz as she works the "Step 3: Room Key" station on the main floor of Lathrop Hall Sunday morning. The incoming freshman left their parents in line for the elevator while they checked into their dorm and received their keys.