During spring 2014 commencement ceremonies, Mizzou awarded 5,452 degrees, including 3,814 bachelor’s degrees, 1,009 master’s degrees, 268 doctorates, 128 law degrees, 111 veterinary medicine degrees, 97 medicine degrees and 25 education-specialist degrees. About 270 graduates completed online programs. More than 5,300 students graduated, with some earning multiple degrees. University officials also recognized Jim Held, owner and founder of Stone Hill Winery in Hermann, Missouri, with an honorary degree.

Rachel Allred, a journalism student, poses for a picture in front of Walter Williams Hall. “I loved it; it was a wonderful experience. My faculty really pushed me and helped me get to where I’m today.”

Loren Littrell adjusts her graduation cap as she gets ready to be photographed with her friend and classmate Carolina Rovell at the circle drive. Both the health science students described their time at MU as the best four years of their lives.

More than 5,300 MU students celebrated spring 2014 graduation in ceremonies across campus. This year Mizzou Arena hosted several ceremonies.

Joe Halla (left) and Joan Halla wait inside Jesse Hall for the graduation ceremony of their grandson, Andrew Kirby, to begin, Friday afternoon. Kirby was awarded a doctorate in physical therapy later that day.

Joan Halla (left) and Joe Halla wait inside Jesse Hall for the graduation ceremony of their grandson, Andrew Kirby, to begin, Friday afternoon. Kirby was awarded a doctorate in physical therapy later that day.

A physical therapy doctoral student is adorned with her graduation stole at the graduation ceremony for doctoral students just outside the north entrance of Jesse Hall.

Brett Stuckenschneider (left), Nathan Scheulen and Francis Wildhaber watch the proceedings during the physical therapy graduation ceremony. Wildhaber’s granddaughter, Tasha Stuckenschneider, earned a doctorate in physical therapy.

Anli Xiao (left), Maoling Xiong, Jessi Ouyang, Shelly Yang and Miranda Zhang toss their caps into the air on Francis Quadrangle. The students are from China and came to MU fall 2011 to earn master's degrees in journalism.
Katy Spinker, a nursing student, takes a picture of her friend Kate Stock, a civil engineering student, in front of the engineering building. Both say they had an “amazing time” at MU.

Xin Lin, center, a journalism student and Residential Life leadership adviser, looks at his pictures on his cell phone with his friends. Lin reminisced that his four years at MU were “rewarding yet full of surprises.”

Lindsey Miller (left) and Natalie Curtis stand for a portrait in front of the Columns. Both graduated from the School of Journalism.

Journalism students and their friends and families spend some time at the Francis Quadrangle before heading to the Mizzou Arena for the graduation ceremony.

Carol LeBegue takes a picture of her granddaughter, Emily Potthast, before the graduation ceremony for journalism students Friday evening.

Melissa Nichols (left) and her mother, Cheryl Nichols, walk toward Jesse Hall. “It was a life-changing experience and a dream come true,” Nichols says about her time at MU.

Journalism major Sifan Ouyang poses for a picture with his mother, Lingge Shi, at Tiger Plaza Friday evening just after returning from the reception for all new Kappa Tau Alpha inductees. Ouyang, an exchange student from China, came to MU his junior year.

Rachel Allred (center) poses with her mother, Claudia Allred, and her friend, Bucky Whitney, in front of the Journalism School Friday evening.

Tracye Donovan (L), Myles Peters and Sandra Julien chat in front of the Columns Friday afternoon. Peters is a freshman majoring in business.