Macaroons make an appearance at the International Welcome Party held Saturday, Feb. 18, in the MU Student Center. The social gathering kicked off a week of international events.
A global assemblage of Tigers converged on the MU Student Center to kick off International Week activities with the International Welcome Party. Student organizations shared traditional crafts, clothes, dances and, of course, food from throughout the world. The week continues with study-abroad information sessions, lectures, discussions and trivia.

Binita Shrestha samples the food at the Vedic Society table.

Officer Laughlin visits the Bangladesh Student Association table.

International Welcome Party attendees visit the Indonesian Students Association table, to try out popular foods and play games.

Students practice a traditional Indian dance in front of the Cultural Association of India table.

Dancers take their moves to the next level.

Crafted items are displayed next to the Thai Students Association’s dishes.

Jordan Adams-Levitt participates in a traditional Indian practice with Sairam Yadavilli.

Members of the Chinese Business Students Association join other cultural student associations at the International Welcome Party.

The Korean Students Association serves chicken dishes.

Bangles are displayed on the Bangladesh Students Association table.

Yilun Zhan dances in front of fellow members of the Dream Catcher dance crew.