Cross stitch of Jesse Hall and the Columns by Tammy Gerhart, University Stores

Painting of grain silos by John R. Glenn, Landscape Services

Weaving by Rebecca Bergfield, Environmental Health and Safety

Wooden bowl by Ernest Hildebrand, MU retiree

Bracelet by Kate Shipova, Research Core Facilities

Willie Nelson portrait by Dianne Haas, MU Police Department

Fishing poles by Ricky Espenschied, Student Auxiliary Services

Painted glass mosaic by Alpana Ray, Veterinary Pathobiology

Earrings by Brenna Naufel, College of Engineering

Cork wreath with Mizzou ribbon by Tina Schneider, Family and Community Medicine

Debbie Betz, Student Services Manager with Mizzou Online, looks at paintings during the Arts & Crafts Showcase.

Knitted and crocheted projects by Genevieve Howard, College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Leather bags by Dale Smith, Mizzou Creative