Prepare for a safe spring break

Whether you are planning on staying in Columbia over spring break or if you have to travel, here are answers to frequently asked questions for having a safe (and fun) week.

Spring flowers and trees outside the Student Center

As Spring Break approaches, continued vigilance and compliance with Show Me Renewal safety expectations, both on and off-campus, will help keep the MU community safe by reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Whether you are planning on staying in Columbia over the break or traveling abroad, here are answers to frequently asked questions for having a safe (and fun) spring break:

Q: Should I travel for spring break?

In accordance with guidance from the CDC, travel is discouraged during spring break, as traveling may increase the chance of getting COVID-19 and potentially transmitting it to others. If you must travel, follow safety practices such as social distancing from others and wearing a face covering. Keep your social circle small and monitor your symptoms daily.

Q: What should I do if I get sick while away from campus?

If you begin to show COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, isolate immediately and seek medical advice from your primary care provider for further guidance regarding testing. If you test positive for COVID-19 while away from campus, immediately self-isolate and self-report to Mizzou. The self-report form is available here, and MU’s Care Team will contact you to offer the appropriate resources.

Q: Can I stay on campus for spring break? Will there be events on campus?

Yes, if you plan on staying in Columbia during spring break, there will be socially-distanced events planned for the campus community to have fun and relax.

Q: Will dining halls be open over spring break? What about MizzouRec and Ellis Library?

Yes! Dining hall locations and hours are viewable here, MizzouRec hours are viewable here and Ellis Library hours are viewable here.

Q: If I live on-campus and am leaving Columbia for spring break, will there be mandatory arrival testing when I get back like at the beginning of the semester?

While there will not be mandatory arrival testing for students living on campus like there was at the beginning of the spring semester, if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, upon your return to Columbia, self-isolate immediately and seek medical advice from your primary care provider for further guidance regarding testing. For questions regarding how to access COVID-19 testing, contact MU Health Care’s call center at 573-884-0948.


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