April 27, 2020
Contact: Brian Consiglio, 573-882-9144, consigliob@missouri.edu

Adielle Ehret is the executive director of the Family Access Center of Excellence.
Since 2016, the Family Access Center of Excellence (FACE) has connected Boone County families and youth to mental health services. Due to a recent spike in feelings of stress and anxiety caused by the coronavirus pandemic, demand for these services has increased recently.
In response, FACE partnered with the Missouri Prevention Science Institute, Boone County Schools Mental Health Coalition and the Center for Evidence-Based Youth Mental Health to develop a free, searchable database of all social service providers in Boone County.
“Families are turning to us for support during this time of uncertainty and being able to quickly give them updated information on how services have changed is key,” said Adielle Ehret, executive director of FACE in the MU College of Education. “Whether it is basic needs like food, clothing and housing or mental health counseling services, our mission is to connect families with the resources they need and address any barriers they are facing in accessing those services.”
The Boone County Children’s Service Board recently partnered with FACE and the Missouri Prevention Science Institute to provide up to 6 hours of free counseling services for Boone County families who have a child aged 19 or under and no established mental health provider. The Children’s Service Fund provides funding for FACE and for these counseling services.
“This is a county-wide effort to help meet the community’s needs during this time,” said Keith Herman, co-developer of FACE and professor in the College of Education. “Our goal is to promote the social, emotional and mental well-being of youth and their families.”
To complete a needs assessment and view a menu of social, emotional and behavioral health providers, call FACE at 573-771-3223 or visit www.FACEofboonecounty.org.